Knee Surgery

When can I take a shower?
You can take a shower after 5 days after surgery.
Remove the white dressings and cover your incisions with waterproof bandages
How do I take care of my compression/wicking dressings (white dressings)?
Leave your dressings on and keep your shoulder dry for 5 days following your surgery.
After 5 days you can then remove/change your dressings.
Replace the dressings with clean waterproof dressings over incisions.
When can I drive again?
You can begin driving 6 weeks after surgery provided that your doctor has not instructed you otherwise
When can I return to work?
Generally, a return-to-work program will begin after 12 weeks of physiotherapy.
When do I follow up with my doctor?
2 weeks after surgery
X-rays of your knee.
Stitches removed.
Physiotherapy plan reviewed.
6 weeks after surgery
Knee is starting to heal.
Continue with physiotherapy.
3 months after surgery
Bring your physiotherapy progress report to your appointment.
6 months after surgery
Complete a survey on how your knee feels.
Annually starting at 1 year after surgery
Complete a survey on how your knee feels.
X-rays of your knee.
Follow up with your doctor as required.
Knee Menisectomy Rehabilitation Protocol - Click Here
Knee Microfracture Rehabilitation Protocol - Click Here
Meniscus Repair Rehabilitation Protocol - Click Here