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Anterior Shoulder Stabilization Combining Arthroscopic Bankart and Inferior Capsular Shift Avoids Open Surgery in Athletes without Critical Glenoid Bone Loss.
Sonke C, Wong I.

Primary Rotator Cuff Bridging Reconstruction Shows Better Clinical and Radiographic Results than Revision Bridging Reconstruction.
Karpyshyn J, Sparavalo, Ma J, King J, Wong I.

Arthroscopic Treatment of Cam-Type Impingement for Femoroacetabular Impingement Using Patient’s Own 1:1 Three-Dimensional Printed Hip Model Without the Use of Fluoroscopy.
Murphy R, Wong I.

Arthroscopic capsular shift from inferior to superior has an exceptional safety profile and short-term outcomes.
Castillo de la PÄ“na J, Wong I.

Arthroscopic Augmentation of Subscapularis Revision Repair Using a Bioinductive Collagen Implant.
Alkhateeb J, Langley C, Wong I.

Current Evidence and Techniques for Arthroscopic Bone Augmentation.
Karpyshyn J, Ma J, Wong I.

Acute bony Bankart and proximal humeral dislocation in an elderly patient treated with distal tibial allograft glenoid augmentation and reverse shoulder arthroplasty: a case report.
Valencia-Ramon E, Pasache-Lozano R, Trenholm J, Wong I.

Surgical Management of Massive Irreparable Cuff Tears/Management of Rotator Cuff Disease: Interpositional Graft for Irreparable Posterosuperior Rotator Cuff Tears.
Mbogori M, Ma J, Wong I.

Free Bone Block Procedures for Glenoid Reconstruction in Anterior Shoulder Instability.
Menendez ME, Wong I, Tokish JM, Denard PJ.

MRI Does Not Improve Inter- or Intra-Rater Reliability For Hip Arthritis Grading Systems.
Menendez ME, Wong I, Tokish JM, Denard PJ.
Arthroscopic Anterior Shoulder Capsular Reconstruction using Human Acellular Dermal Graft in Conjunction with Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction.
Campos-Méndexz A, Coady CM, Wong I.

The Reliability of the Tönnis Grading System in the Hip Preservation Population.
Pullen WM, Carreira DM, Wong I, Aoki SK, Lynch TS, Mather RC, Ayeni OR, Byrd JWT, Safran MR.
Free Bone Block Procedures for Glenoid Reconstruction in Anterior Shoulder Instability.
Menendez ME, Wong I, Tokish JM, Denard PJ.

MRI Does Not Improve Inter- or Intra-Rater Reliability For Hip Arthritis Grading Systems.
Pullen WM, Pierre K, Wong I, Aoki SK, Lynch TS, Mather RC, Ayeni OR, Byrd JW, Safran MR
Controversies in Surgical Management of Anterior Shoulder Instability.
Mirzayan R, Itoi E, Karpyshyn J, Wong I, Giacomo GD.

My Approach to Failed Rotator Cuff Repair.
Chan E, Remedios S, Wong I.

Defining hip cartilage repair: a modified delphi study to establish the Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of the Repair of Cartilage in the Hip (MERCH) score.
MERCH Investigators and the CHIPR.

Controversies in surgical management of anterior shoulder instability.
Mirzayan R, Itoi E, Karpyshyn J, Wong I, Di Giacomo G.

Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction in the Unstable Shoulder: Technique, Pearls, and Pitfalls.
Joannette-Bourguignon M, Wong I.

Peroneal nerve palsy after hip arthroscopy with a perineal post: a case report of postless versus standard traction
Rayes J, Wong I.

Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction Hardware Removal.
Ferguson D, Wong I.

The Reliability of the Tönnis Grading System in the Hip Preservation Population.
Pullen WM, Carreira DM, Wong I, Aoki SK, Lynch TS, Mather RC, Ayeni OR, Byrd JWT, Safran MR.

Do individuals with knee osteoarthritis walk with distinct knee biomechanics and muscle activation characteristics? An investigation of knee osteoarthritis, hip osteoarthritis, and asymptomatic groups.
Lohnes J, Urquhart N, Wong I, Stanish W, Rutherford D.

Arthroscopic anatomic glenoid reconstruction has a lower rate of recurrent instability compared to arthroscopic Bankart repair while otherwise maintaining a similar complication and safety profile.
Tucker A, Ma J, Sparavalo S, Coady CM, Wong I

Calculating Glenoid Bone Loss Based on Glenoid Height Using Ipsilateral 3- Dimensional Computed Tomography.
Rayes J, Xu J, Sparavalo S, Ma J, Jonah L, Wong I.

Arthroscopic Anterior Glenoid Reconstruction Using a Distal Tibial Allograft Positioned With an Intra-Articular Guide and Secured With Double-Button Fixation
Lukenchuk J, Thangarajah T, More K, Wong I, Lo IKY.

Sexual and Urinary Function Post-Surgical Treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement
Jean PO, Simunovic N, Duong A, Heels-Ansdell D, Ayenil OR, FIRST Investigators

Effect of Osteochondroplasty on Time to Reoperation After Athroscopic Management of Femoracetabular Impingment
Kay J, Simunovic N, Ayeni OR, FIRST Investigators

Distracted Driving Among Patients with Trauma Attending Fracture Clinics in Canada: The Canadian Multicenter DRIVESAFE Study

Endoscopic Repair of Proximal Hamstring Insertion with Sciatic Nerve Neurolysis.
Castillo-de-la-Peña J, Wong I

Fixation Type does Not Affect the Learning Curve and Short-Term Radiographic Outcomes for Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction with Distal Tibia Allograph
Harper A, Sparavalo S, Ma J, Wong I

Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction with Distal Tibial Allograft and Hybrid Fixation.
Campos-Méndez A, Rayes J, Wong I

Wong I, Hiemstra L, Lobo J, Woodmass J, Sommerfeldt M, & et al.

Arthroscopic Anterior Shoulder Capsular Reconstruction using Human Acellular Dermal Graft in Conjunction with Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction.
Campos-Méndez A, Coady CM, Wong I.

Osteochondroplasty Benefits the Pragmatic Patient with Femoroacetabular Impingement: Analysis from the Embedded Prospective Cohort of the Femoroacetabular Impingement Randomised Controlled Trial
Almasri M, Simunovic N, Heels-Ansdell D, Ayenil OR, FIRST Investigators.

Arthroscopic Revision for Failed Latarjet Procedure.
Joannette-Bourguignon M, Wong I.

Defining Parameters for Surgical Correction and Hip Complications for Femoroacetabular Impingemeent Syndrome: Results of an International Modified Delphi Study.
DEFINE Investigators

Anterior Shoulder Instability Part III - Revision Surgery, Rehabilitation and Return to Play, and Clinical Follow-Up - An International Consensus Statement.
Hurley ET, Matache BA, Wong I, Itoi E, Strauss EJ, Delaney RA, Neyton L, Athwal GS, Pauzenberger L, Mulletet H, Jazrawi LM.

Anterior Shoulder Instability Part II - Latarjet, Remplissage, and Glenoid Bone-Grafting - An International Consensus Statement.
Hurley ET, Matache BA, Wong I, Itoi E, Strauss EJ, Delaney RA, Neyton L, Athwal GS, Pauzenberger L, Mulletet H, Jazrawi LM.

Bridging Reconstruction for Massive Rotator Cuff Tears.
Alkhatib N, Wong I.

Anterior Shoulder Instability Part I - Diagnosis, Non-Operative Management, and Bankart Repair - An International Consensus Statement.
Hurley ET, Matache BA, Wong I, Itoi E, Strauss EJ, Delaney RA, Neyton L, Athwal GS, Pauzenberger L, Mulletet H, Jazrawi LM.

Bridging Allograft Reconstruction is Superior to Maximal Repair for the Treatment of Chronic, Massive Rotator Cuff Tears – Results of a Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Trial.
Wong I, Sparavalo, S, King JP, Coady CM,

Arthroscopic Glenoid Bone Augmentation using Iliac Crest Autograft is Safe and Effective for Anterior Shoulder Instability with Bone Loss.
Oldfield M, Burns J, Wong I.

Liam Power and Ivan Wong
Andrew Buckley and Ivan Wong
Moran K, Rotenberg C, AlHussain A, Reda B, Gordey E, Wong I.
Calvo E, Itoi E, Landreau P, Arce G, Yamamoto N, Ma J, Sparavalo S, Wong I.
Treatment of Failed Latarjet with Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction. Arthroscopy Techniques. 2021
Ben Hewins and Ivan Wong

Erin Gordey and Ivan Wong

Arthroscopic Approach to Preservation of the Hip with Avascular Necrosis.
Johnny Rayes and Ivan Wong
Case Reports
Levitation TCU Knee Brace Case Study: 18-Year-Old Male with Patellar Dislocation, Fracture, and Osteochondral lesion
Ivan Wong*
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